As some of you may already know, The Guild of Photographers have recently introduced their new photography magazine, Creative Light. Here at Infocus, we couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to interview the editor Julie Oswin, to find out what exciting future is in store for Creative Light Magazine.

The magazine’s editor Julie has worked in photography since 1994, with her background being in weddings. As one of the most sought after wedding photographers in the UK she has also turned her attention to teaching and running workshops for photographers. Originally Julie started teaching photography at Loughborough College of Art and Design in 1996, which she continued to do alongside her photography business until 2006. She now runs two day workshops on Wedding Photography and the Business of Weddings. For more information visit Julie’s website on

This is where the idea came from for the magazine, they wanted something that would tell a story, rather than sell. Something that shares the stories behind the photo and the relationship the photographer has with the image. They wanted something that photographers could use as guide and for teaching.

At the moment the magazine is released every other month with the plan to have the first five magazines out by Christmas and then every month after that. Every issue will feature stories from photographers to inspire other photographers. Three from photographers outside of the Guild and three from photographers within the Guild.

Julie described learning to be a photographer like learning to drive a car, once ingrained you never forget the skills and eventually it becomes second nature. The magazine not only wants to inspire photographers but also aims to help that learning process along.

There will be something for readers to look forward to each month with the adventures of Syd the cat and the comedy antics of the naughty boys.

When asked how they keep the content fresh, Julie’s answer was simply “inspiration” and her love and passion for photography. Whether it’s landscape, wedding or whatever your passion may be there is always a story and a journey behind each photo and this is what inspires Julie the most.

The success of the magazine has truly exceeded expectations with 13,500 readers within the first 8 weeks alone, and numbers increasing all the time.

To read the magazine for yourself or to register please visit the link below;
‘CREATIVE LIGHT’ MAGAZINE – The Guild of Photographers